Founded in 2002 by a couple of South African expatriates, the Atlanta Jewish Male
Choir has evolved into a nine man American chorus whose members' affiliations
cover the entire Jewish spectrum. Their careers and professions are equally diverse
including mathematics' professors, businessmen, bakers and doctors to
name but a few. However they all share the common love of the music and the desire
to make its performance as beautiful as possible.
The aims of the choir simply are:
- To preserve and promote the authentic Jewish Liturgical tradition - "Nusach"
- To promote Joy in Judaism through the performance of the appropriate
Jewish music at simchas such as bar/bat mitzvahs, wedding chuppah's,
community gatherings and events
- To act as a fundraising resource, through concerts, for local and Israeli charities
- To promote "Oneg Shabbat" by visiting communities and hosting
"Choral Shabbatons"
- To become a trans-generational group by recruiting and training young choristers
Life without music is like a movie without a soundtrack and our music is the music of the Jewish soul.
So come and join in singing the songs of your Jewish life and rediscover your Jewish musical roots.
Please click on News and Forthcoming Appearances to find out more about our performance schedule and planned recording releases.