Barry Herman born in South Africa started singing at the age of nine. He studied conducting under the direction of the late Gus Levy, founding Musical Director of The Johannesburg Jewish Male Choir and Jose Stern, choirmaster of the world renowned Sydenham Highlands North Choir. Barry is Administrative Director at Ahavath Achim Synagogue and resident conductor for the Atlanta Jewish Male Choir. |
Meyer Janet born in a mining town in South Africa is now a proud USA citizen. He has sung in synagogue choirs since the age of nine. These include the Springs, Linksflield Senderwood and Sydenham Highlands North Synagogues in Johannesburg, as well as the Gardens and the Green and Sea Point Synagogues in Cape Town. In addition he has sung on occasion with the choirs from Bondi Junction in Sydney to Ra’anana in Israel to Denver in Colorado. Meyer is founder of the Atlanta Jewish Male Choir. |
Trevor Edelson originally from Pretoria, South Africa, now resides with his
wife, Glenda and their two children, Mark and Toni in Marietta. With
twenty-two years of experience with the Pretoria Hebrew Congregation Choir,
Trevor has been a member of the Atlanta Jewish Male Choir since its
inception; he enjoys singing with the AJMC, as well as the comraderie shared
with fellow choir members.
Bernie Idov - At the age of seven Bernie was inspired by liturgical music. He joined the Atlanta's Shearith Israel choir as a preteen and sang in the Yeshiva choir at the Talmudical Academy of Baltimore. When Bernie returned to Atlanta as a young man, he joined the Beth Jacob High Holiday choir and sang with them until he was drafted into the United States Army, where he was able to persuade a few of its Jewish members to start a High Holiday choir. On returning to Atlanta he sang with the Beth Jacob choir until 2002. |
Mark Brooks - Blessed with a mother who loved to sing and who taught Mark songs in several languages, he first performed publicly at the age of three. A member of the synagogue choir at eight, and often leading synagogue services, Mark has made music of every kind a daily part of his life ever since. Although able to use his speaking talents on radio, TV and the stage, participation in the Atlanta Jewish Male Choir has provided him the opportunity to sing with a choir for the first time in more than 50 years. |
Herschel Lawson, a native of Seattle, began singing in his synagogue choir at age eight, having a love of Jewish choral liturgy since his first exposure at age five and following a family tradition of singing Jewish liturgy. Throughout his life he has performed choral works from all periods since the renaissance in synagogue and secular choirs. He was an early member of the AJMC and can frequently be heard chanting and leading daily, Sabbath and holiday services at his synagogue in Atlanta. |
Rael Levin, born in Cape Town, South Africa sang in the Schoonder Street Synagogue choir from age ten under the guidance of Chazzan Simcha Kusevitzky. In 1976 he moved to Atlanta and sang in Congregation Bnai Torah choir and on stage musical productions for several years and then joined Atlanta Jewish Male Choir. Rael has led Shabbat and High Holiday services for over twenty years at Congregation Bnai Torah and enjoys the friendship and ever changing melodies at the Atlanta Jewish Male Choir. |
Jonathan Levin, was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. Before moving to the USA he sang, for many years, with the Sandton Synagogue Choir. He has been a member of the Atlanta Jewish Male Choir since its inception and has been the cantor at the Breman Jewish home for the past twenty-seven years. He is knows as The Professor as he is a professor of mathematics at Kennesaw State University. |
Albert Maslia, a native of Georgia and veteran of the Korea war. He has, since a boy, sang with many choirs in Atlanta. These include the youth choir of Congregation Or VeShalom Sephardic Synagogue under Rabbi Joseph Cohen, Ahavath Achim Synagogue Choir for thirty-five years under Cantors Schwartsman and Goodfriend and the Shirim mixed choir of the AJCC under the baton of Kim Goodfriend. He performed with the Shirim choir in Jerusalem at Zimria in 1992. A founder member of the Atlanta Jewish Male Choir he enjoys and participates in the choir as an ongoing interest in his retirement. |