Sandy Springs Reporter - 10th Anniversary Celebration
AJMC in Denver
Special Thanks
Temima Concert Thanks
B'nai Torah Concert Thanks
What our fans have to say
Letter of Recommendation by Rabbi Yossi New of Congregation Beth Tefillah
The Savannah Jewish Times April 2005
Simchas (Atlanta Jewish Times) March 2003
In 2002 Meyer Janet enlisted Barry Herman, his friend and colleague from their native South Africa, to establish the Atlanta Jewish Male Choir.
The group includes former South Africans, Atlanta transplants and natives who celebrate the joy and beauty of Jewish music with reverence and dedication.The choir acts as a fundraising resource for local and Israeli charities singing at weddings, functions and concerts nationwide.
The choir's goal is to archive its repertoire in a library of Jewish music.
But ultimately, the reason for the choir's commitment can be answered by a Yiddish song called "VAR VOS SINGT A CHAZZAN"
(Why does a chazzan sing?) The answer says Meyer Janet, Founder of the Choir, is because he loves to sing what he is singing.
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Jan Epstein of Atlanta International Broadcasters (AIB) has videotaped and interviewed members of the choir for her program.
She characterized some of the music as intense and beautiful.
"They are really committed to singing together and to making beautiful traditional music," she said.
The Days of Awe Concert...successful and memorable!
Outside, the sky was clear, the moon was bright and one could clearly see the planet Mars.
Inside Ahavath Achim Synagogue there were over 1500 people, gathered together, enjoying a beautiful musical evening
that featured the Atlanta Jewish Male Choir, founded by Meyer Janet and conducted brilliantly by Choirmaster Barry Herman.
For everyone it was a rare opportunity to hear a rendition of prayers from the High Holidays sung as never before inside Ahavath Achim.
Songs of Celebration....an outstanding evening of musical entertainment!
More than 1,200 Atlantans filled the sanctuary of Ahavath Achim Synagogue with applause as they enjoyed the Second Annual Atlanta Jewish Male Choir community cantorial concert "Songs of Celebration: Hear Our Voices" on Sunday evening, November 14. The Choir, led by Choirmaster Barry Herman, featured the magnificent voices of Chazzan Steven Leas of London and Chazzan Joel Fox of Ahavath Achim Synagogue. A grand finale of Halleluyah conducted by Maestro Yoel Levi, Principal conductor of the Israel Philharmonic Orchstra ended the evening on a joyous note and an emotional high.
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